In 2001, five friends and I founded the cooperative Archeonova Conservazione e Restauro. We collaborated on numerous conservation projects in Rome and its surrounding neighborhoods until 2004, when our paths diverged, and we closed down the cooperative. I then focused most of my efforts on conservation projects in Asia.
As an associate of such cooperative, I co-directed all conservation projects, overseeing the entire process from start to finish. This included supervising our employees, particularly during large-scale projects, and actively participating in every step of the restoration procedures. Additionally, I was responsible for comprehensive photographic documentation, meticulously mapping and documenting each phase of our work using advanced photo editing software.
Below, you will find a description of the projects I was involved in during the winters and the periods when I was not working in the Himalayas. I'm also sharing a selection of photos from the various projects we managed and directed - the ones I could find and the ones I am allowed to share. If the photographs aren't perfect, please remember that these pictures come from the pre-digital era and are low-resolution scans of negatives and slides.