freelance work

view of a cleaning sample on an icon

In this section, I present the conservation work I did as a freelancer for private collectors and companies during my time in Italy. This work took place during the winter months, mostly between October and March, when I was not working in Asia.

I am sharing a selection of photos from the various projects I was involved in and the ones I am permitted to share, given that the majority of the artefacts came from private collections.

some details

In winter 2010-2011, I participated in a project at the Christian Hypogeum in Ardea, Italy, under the supervision of the "Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio". My work involved the consolidation and cleaning of a pagan nymphaeum from 2nd century BC and Byzantine frescoes from the 6th to the 9th century AD.

In 2009, I contributed to a project for the Archaeological Civic Museum of Velletri, Italy, also under the supervision of the "Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio". This project focused on the consolidation and cleaning of the Sarcophagus of the Civitana, dated back to the 3rd century AD

From 2007 to 2009, I was engaged in a research project at the University of Bologna, Italy, concentrating on the "History, Iconography, Meaning, Aesthetics, Materials, and Techniques in Tibetan and Himalayan Art" at the Department of Linguistic and Oriental Studies, under the guidance of Prof. Erberto Lo Bue. This project culminated with the publication of the book Wonders of Lo: The Artistic Heritage of Mustang.

From 2001 to 2005, I worked on private collections of icons and easel paintings in Rome, Italy, restoring paintings on wood and canvas under the supervision of Rodolfo Lujan Lunsford, my former professor and mentor. During this period, my freelance work largely dependent on the free time I could allocate, as I was also involved in other projects with Archeonova.

In 2000, I worked on the consolidation of Giambattista Tassi’s frescos in the "Stanza della Terra" at Palazzo Doria Pamphilj in Valmontone, Italy, working for the company "E. Zivieri."

In 1999, I was involved in the conservation and restoration of frescos and gilded stuccos at the Church of Santa Maria del Trivio in Rome, Italy, also working for the company "E. Zivieri."